Lake Travis FFA
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2023-2024 UIL Eligibility Calendar

2023-2024 UIL Eligibility

(No Pass ~ No Play)

The rule stipulates that Texas public school students who participate in extracurricular activities must achieve a passing grade (70% or higher) in order to qualify to continue participating in extracurricular activities such as FFA, athletics, band, and orchestra. Progress is assessed following each grading period. If students receive at least one failing grade on their report card, they are ineligible to participate in extracurricular activities ALL grade(s) reach acceptable levels. Students are allowed to "gain" eligibility for utilizing 3 week progress reports.

The Ag Teachers/FFA Advisors adhere to this policy and ensures that ALL FFA Members follow this State mandate. They are available to answer questions pertaining to eligibility.

HOW DO YOU NOT WORRY ABOUT ELIGIBILITY ???  (hint - PASS all of your classes)

This years Eligibility Calendar is found in the "DOCUMENTS" section below.



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